
As has been written many times, the Czech Garrison from the very foundation is actively involved in charitable activities. All beginnings are difficult, and so it was with us. Founded in 2007 as the Czech Outpost, we had no idea how to start.

Our first achievement was the creation of a charitable fund of the Czech Outpost. We've made a commitment that we will put into this fund all the money received from potential candidates or organizers who have invited us to an event (our organization cannot accept fees for performances). This commitment we included into our internal rules.

In 2008, we made Czech Outpost badges, which we offer at events for a voluntary contribution. All these money immediately go into the charity fund. During 2009 and 2010, we focused on outdoor fun activities for children such as Ladronkafest and Kašpárkohraní.

In early 2011, we established collaboration with Hasbro, with which we cooperate on the promotion of Star Wars and participate in their events. As a reward we get SW toys that can be given to children in any selected facility such as a hospital or children's home.

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

Another project, which the Czech Garrison actively participating in is the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. In the Czech Garrison we have a lot of beautiful and young women and realize, that breast cancer is a serious problem (not only for women). By participation in these walks we want to express our full support to this project and to all who are concerned with the issue of cancer.

"Tričko JDU je novým symbolem boje proti rakovině prsu. Jeho zakoupením podpoříte aktivity boje proti rakovině prsu a můžete zachránit život další ženy. Zároveň slouží jako vstupenka na tradiční Avon Pochod proti rakovině prsu. Zakupte si jej, oblékněte a přidejte se ke stovkám tisíců lidí po celém světě! Jít na Avon Pochod znamená vyjádřit solidaritu nemocným ženám a podpořit všechny v prevenci."
