Photoshoot Jeníkovice 2 18th Oct 2020

Sandtrooper meeting v Polsku 4th-6th Sep 2020

Fest Na Tahu 29th-30th Aug 2020

Photoshoot Jeníkovice 1 22nd Aug 2020

Photoshoot Praha 8th Aug 2020

Svatba na Slovensku 22nd Feb 2020

Comic-Con Prague 7th-9th Feb 2020

Future Gate 29th Jan-2nd Feb 2020

Návštěva školy Jaroslava Ježka - 21st Jan 2020

In January, our troops visited the Jaroslav Ježek school for the visually impaired, to bring Star Wars and our costumes to the kids’ reach. The kids were also involved in a competition, where they had to guess the sounds from the galaxy far, far away and they sure did surprise us with their Star Wars knowledge. This whole event has been a brand new experience for us and we are very grateful we had this opportunity.
Place of the event: Praha, Škola Jaroslava Ježka